White Dove Releases
Visions of White Dove Release Yuriy Kravets 484-544-DOVE Contact us at VoW Dove Release Serving all of southeastern PA plus bordering stretches of NJ, DE, and MD |
White Dove Events, LLC James Mandel 609-923-7997 Email White Dove Events Serving NJ, Philadelphia, NYC, & northern Delaware |
Delaware White Dove Releases Dawn Thompson 302-836-5565 or 302-438-7331 Email Delaware Doves Serving New Castle Sussex counties, Delaware, Cecil County Maryland, South Jersey New Jersey and the Philadelphia PA areas. |
Jersey Shore Doves or Jersey Shore Doves, Business Site Sarah Shrekgast 732-492-7351 Email: Jersey Shore Doves Serving the Tri state area of New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania |
Enchanted Flights Dove Release Laura Marie Booth Call or Text 724-351-1656 Email Enchanted Doves Serving a 25 mile radius from Sarver |